“The Baby in the Window!” Yes, my fourth novel will be available on Amazon.com on August 1. The launch party is scheduled for August 24th. And just like Prince William and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, I’m a very proud parent! No, my baby isn’t born of flesh and blue blood, but I sweated blood and tears giving birth to her, and I love her dearly. “The Baby in the Window,” like my other three novels, is my child.
Fourteen years ago, I realized that I would never be able to have biological children. It was a very difficult time in my life. I, like many women, had bought into the hype that women can have children at any age! Why would any of us doubt this when so many pregnant Hollywood starlets over forty were gracing the covers of magazines with protruding bellies on display for the world to gawk at. Unbeknownst to many of us, a lot of these women were relying on the latest reproductive technology to gain entrance into the Mommy Club.
When I realized I was fertility challenged, I too, resorted to outside help coupled with fervent prayers. But God had a different plan in mind. After getting past the emotional fallout, I took stock of my life and realized that I wasn’t alone. According to the CDC, 6.1 million women in the United States between the ages of 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. I also realized that although I couldn’t bring life forth through my womb, God had given me the gift to bring life forth through my words.
Writing is so fulfilling, and I love telling stories that whisk readers away from their lives into other worlds, to experience characters who are relatable and that educate, enlighten and entertain them. Along my journey, I stumbled upon two characters that I can’t and don’t want to shake. Cassandra and Nick. They were born in “Married in the Nick of Nine,” where they eventually got married. Now in “The Baby in the Window,” they’re trying to have a family. And Cass is having a hard time. However, she soon realizes that the culprit isn’t her fallopian tubes, but her stepdaughter Renee! In an age of blended families, readers will definitely be able to relate to Cass and Nick’s struggles as they try to get pregnant while at the same time raise their stepchildren.
According to early reviews, I’ve been able to write a book that will keep you forever guessing. As soon as you think you know what’s coming, things will go left! I can’t wait for you to get a copy of the book and for you to go on what’s going to be one wild emotional rollercoaster ride.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and checkout the Event Page for more info regarding “The Baby in the Window” Launch Party!