I just finished reading Gwen Richardson’s novel, Exodus From Treachery. I read it in one and a half days. I couldn’t swipe the screen fast enough. It’s book two of a two-book series. I read the first book, The Genesis Files, nine years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the read. I had no idea Gwen would be able to top that book, but she has with Exodus From Treachery. It’s a fast-paced, jaw-dropping political thriller that grabbed me from its opening pages.
The novel follows the life of The Genesis Files protagonist—Lloyd Palmer, who is now the editor of the Houston Ledger. Lloyd’s star reporter, Charles Scott, stumbles upon a secret, powerful political organization whose influence is far-reaching. What the reporter and Lloyd don’t know, is that Lloyd’s good friend, Ron Singleton, is being groomed by the committee to run for the U.S. Senate. Unbeknownst to Ron, once elected, he will be owned by the committee and will have to do their nefarious bidding.
The story is well written and really gives the reader a birds eye view of behind-the-scenes political machinations. While reading the novel, I kept thinking to myself that Gwen must have a very high IQ. The way she delves into the minds of the characters and how she lays out their hidden agendas is chilling and brilliant. Speaking of characters, there are many, but the way she presents them, it’s easy to keep up. They are all interesting and jump off the page. Michael, the head of the committee, is someone you will love to hate.
I found myself screaming at my phone, talking to myself, and laughing out loud in all the right places. Once I started reading the book, I couldn’t stop. I had to know what was going to happen to Ron and how the fallout would impact Ron and Lloyd and their families.
A must read. Bravo Gwen!
I also read Exodus from Treachery and it was a masterpiece. I read Genesis Files several years ago too. Again, Ms. Gwen Richardson doesn't disappoint when it comes to writing spellbinding narratives.